65 pages 2 hours read

James Sire

The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog

Nonfiction | Reference/Text Book | Adult | Published in 1976

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Chapter 12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 12 Summary: “Building a Christian Worldview for the Twenty-First Century: A Work in Progress”

In the final chapter, Sire provides an update from the vantage point of 2020 of what has happened in society to shape worldviews since 1978, when the book was first published. He discusses four major issues in contemporary culture.

  1. The rise of the LGBTQ movement has challenged traditional notions of “what it means to be a full and proper human being” as regards issues of sexuality and gender identity (278), while the rise of transhumanism has challenged ideas about the relationship between human beings in technology. Christian theists must meet these challenges with understanding, taking into account both theological and practical concerns.
  2. Atheistic naturalism has had a resurgence, as seen in the writings of a number of “evangelistic apologists for atheism” (281). Christian theists need to take the lead in clarifying “the definition of science and its relationship to Christian faith” (279). They must emphasize that science is a method, not a worldview, and is compatible with Christian theism. Christians, however, should be prepared to be met with hostility by many in the scientific community who assume a naturalist worldview. Sire provides capsule summaries of the views of three atheistic naturalist writers: Paul Churchland, Merlin Donald, and Bryan Magee.