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The Libation Bearers

Fiction | Play | Adult

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Symbols & Motifs


As a tale of revenge, Libation Bearers leans very heavily on the symbolism of blood and bloodshed. Blood calls for blood: Clytaemestra’s murder of Agamemnon means that she too must be murdered. Throughout the play, spilled blood almost acquires a kind of force or gravity of its own:

It is but law that when the red drops have been spilled
upon the ground they cry aloud for fresh
blood. For the death act calls out on Fury
to bring up from those who were slain before
new ruin on ruin accomplished (400-04.)

The necessity of spilling blood to wash out blood becomes the source of the family’s cycle of violence in the trilogy. Every act of bloodshed inspires further bloodshed, so that Orestes can observe that “[o]ur Fury who is never starved for blood shall drink / for the third time a cupful of unwatered blood” (576-77). The first “cupful” of blood came during the rivalry of Atreus and Thyestes two generations before; the second when Clytaemestra murdered Agamemnon; and the third when Orestes murders Clytaemestra. Although the characters of the play—especially the Chorus—hope that Orestes can “wipe out the stain of blood shed / long ago” (651-52) or “wash out the blood in fair-spoken verdict” (805), it becomes increasingly obvious that bloodshed will only bring about more bloodshed and that a different approach will be needed to end the cycle.

Animals and Nature

Animals and natural imagery are important motifs in the play. The members of the family are repeatedly compared to different animals. Thus, Orestes and Electra become “bloody like the wolf / and savage born from the savage mother” (421-22) as they plot their revenge. Electra describes how she was kenneled like “a vicious dog” (446) after her mother killed their father. Electra and Orestes are also compared to orphaned birds like “fledglings” (255), “the eagle’s brood” (258), or “nestlings” (501).

The animal and nature symbolism evoked throughout the play often has sinister undertones. In the final stasimon, the Chorus describes the horrors of nature:

Numberless, the earth breeds
dangers, and the awful thought of fear.
The bending sea’s arms swarm
with bitter, savage beasts (585-88).

Of all these terrors, claims the Chorus, woman is the most terrible of all (Clytaemestra representing the evils of which women are capable). The most notable animal imagery in the play is that of snakes. In Clytaemestra’s dream, Orestes becomes a snake who bites his mother. Likewise, Clytaemestra is also depicted as a snake, with Orestes referring to her in disgust as “[s]ome water snake, some viper” (994), and the Chorus declaring that when Orestes killed Clytaemestra and Aegisthus he “lopped the head of these two snakes with one clean stroke” (1047).

All the characters of the play are thus reduced to snakes constantly fighting with each other. Even the Furies, who come to punish Orestes at the end of the play, are serpentine monsters, their heads “wreathed in a tangle / of snakes” (1049-50). These motifs of animal and nature illustrate the savagery of the family’s behavior toward one another, suggesting that there is something wild and unhuman about the cycle of violence in the royal house of Argos.

Prophecy and Ritual

Prophecy and ritual also form important motifs in the play. The importance of ritual to the play can be gleaned from the title, Libation Bearers, or Choephoroi in Greek. In ancient Greek religion, a choe was a kind of libation, or drink offering, associated with the dead that usually consisted of wine and honey. In the play, Clytaemestra sends the “libation bearers” to bring this kind of drink offering to the tomb of her murdered husband. She does so because of a prophetic dream in which she was bitten by a snake she bore.

This dream, as Orestes realizes later in the play, foretells his own revenge, with the snake standing in for himself. There are other prophecies in the play too. Most notable are Apollo’s prophetic instructions to Orestes, in which the god commands Orestes to avenge his father by killing his mother. In the play, prophecy comes to represent the way the gods control human life—albeit not always in a way that is understandable or just.