129 pages 4 hours read

Alexandre Dumas

The Count of Monte Cristo

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1844

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Essay Topics


Monte Cristo seems to ignore or reject some social norms and institutions, and value others. Which does he seem to value and which does he seem to hold in contempt? Choose a particular example and discuss what motivates him to uphold it or reject it.


Politics and history play a key role in shaping characters’ lives. Does the novel represent politics and history as impersonal forces acting on society, or as a larger-scale version of the same conflicts and ambitions that motivate the characters on an individual level?


Edmond adopts different identities (Monte Cristo, Abbé Busoni, Lord Wilmore) with different people and in different circumstances. What seems to guide his choice of identity? Choose one or more scenes and examine why he adopts the persona that he does.