60 pages 2 hours read

Garth Stein

The Art of Racing in the Rain

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2008

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Chapters 20-25

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 20 Summary

Enzo is kept out of the loop on medical developments. Life in the household becomes orderly and regimented while Enzo tries to stay out from underfoot. Zoe spends her weekends with Eve, Maxwell and Trish, leaving Enzo and Denny alone. For Enzo and Denny, it feels almost like old times, but lacking any of the previous joy.

Denny visits Eve and reports back to Enzo that she’s going to be okay. The way that Denny repeats this phrase twice indicates that he might not actually believe it, and he’s only saying it to reassure himself. 

Chapter 21 Summary

While Zoe and Enzo play with her Barbie doll, Zoe mimics brain surgery on the doll’s head and repeats: “Everything’s going to be okay” (236). She expresses a suspicion that, after the inevitable death of her mother, she will end up living with her grandparents. Enzo grows keen to the fact that Maxwell and Trish are exerting an influence on Zoe, and laying the groundwork for some as-of-yet unknown objective. 

Chapter 22 Summary

Zoe is old enough to begin kindergarten. She is slowly developing her mother’s attitude and sense of independence. Denny remarks that she’s growing fast.