69 pages 2 hours read

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tender Is the Night

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1934

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Book 2, Chapters 9-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book 2, Chapter 9 Summary

That night at dinner, Dick talks with Nicole’s sister Beth (also called Baby) about Nicole’s condition. Worried about her sister’s sanity, Beth tells Dick her plan to bring Nicole with her back to Chicago and there find a nice doctor for her to marry.

When Nicole leaves the dinner party and Beth expresses worry, Dick leaves the table to have a look around. Outside, he meets Nicole, who meekly explains that she just needed to get away for a little and that living by herself for so long has made her introverted. Dick compliments her in an effort to reassure her and Nicole responds by asking Dick if, had she never gotten sick, he would ever have taken a romantic interest in her. When Dick tries to shrug off the question, Nicole flares up, telling Dick that being sick has given her insight and she can see through him. She complains that Dick never gave her a chance.

Nicole leans in and kisses Dick. She flirtatiously walks on, but Dick follows her and they kiss again. A booming storm arises and the two lovers walk back to the hotel.

The following day, Dick receives a letter from Nicole expressing gratitude for the previous evening’s kiss. Another letter, from Beth, asks Dick to take Nicole with him back to Zurich because something unexpected has come up to prevent her from doing so. During the train ride, they do not engage in any romantic activity, but Dick realizes, while dropping Nicole off at the hospital, that they are in fact a couple.

Book 2, Chapter 10 Summary

In September in Zurich, at a meeting with Nicole’s sister, Beth, Dick argues about his indifference to Nicole’s wealth. Beth confronts Dick about the fact that Nicole is rich, but Dick tries to reassure her that his intentions toward Nicole do not stem from a motive of greed.

The text then shifts to Nicole’s voice, narrating an overview of her life with Dick as a married couple, spanning their honeymoon to their settling down in Tarmes and meeting Rosemary Hoyt. Included in this section is Nicole’s experience bearing children and the reveal that Nicole is having an affair with Tommy Barban. Her narrative voice employs stream-of-consciousness writing, which is sometimes fragmentary and forms an impressionistic collage of the early days of Dick and Nicole’s marriage.

Book 2, Chapter 11 Summary

The narrative returns to where things left off at the end of Book 1. The scene shifts to Dick sitting with Rosemary’s mother after the incident with Abe North and Rosemary witnessing Nicole’s mental health episode.

Mrs. Speers and Rosemary are at last leaving France. Dick apologizes for the trauma Rosemary has undergone. Mrs. Speers reflects on Rosemary’s feelings for Dick, telling Dick he was the first man she truly loved. Abruptly, Dick tells Mrs. Speers that he is in love with Rosemary. After complimenting Mrs. Speers, Dick expresses his well wishes and says goodbye.

Back at the Villa Diana, Dick looks over his published psychiatric book and reflects about his life’s work in the field of psychology. He sees Nicole out in the garden and remembers how they cleared up the incident at the hotel, moving Rosemary to another hotel without saying goodbye.

Dick and Nicole talk about Rosemary, commenting nonchalantly on her strengths and flaws. The chapter closes with Dick’s feelings of emptiness at the loss of Rosemary and his irritation with Nicole, whose recent mental health episodes have brought back to the surface the old conflict between his roles as doctor and husband.

Book 2, Chapter 12 Summary

Now that Rosemary and her mother are gone, Dick returns to married life, with the added awkward element of his lingering feelings for Rosemary. Dick talks casually with Nicole in the garden, and then goes inside but does not know where to go since Nicole’s family paid for most of the property. He reflects on their marriage and his dissatisfactions.

As time goes by, Nicole—who is aware of Dick’s feelings for Rosemary but remains mostly passive about it—recovers a stable sense of good health, and Dick notices that she has, at least supposedly, forgotten all about the Rosemary affair. They travel around France. When December comes, they return to the Swiss Alps for Christmas.

Book 2, Chapter 13 Summary

Near Gstaad, Dick and Nicole connect with Baby (Beth) Warren and a young Englishman she is traveling with. Dick is downcast. Nicole notices and tries (unsuccessfully) to lift his spirits.

Dick excuses himself to meet Franz Gregorovius at the train station. Since Dick is so near to Zurich, Franz agreed to visit him. Franz joins the group and they stay at another hotel.

Franz offers Dick the opportunity of having his own clinic, co-run with Franz. An older psychiatrist is about to die and wishes to leave the clinic to a known associate. Franz tries his best to persuade Dick, while other members of the group listen in and participate. Baby, out of a desire to keep her sister always close to a hospital, supports the idea. Dick feels resentful of the Warren fortune and Baby’s greater wealth. Nicole makes a joke about her own condition, but one that leaves things awkward at the table. Dick contemplates Franz’s offer later that night.

Two days later, Dick admits to Franz that the idea appeals to him. He lists as his reasons the stable money it would provide him and the fact that the summer atmosphere and culture in the Riviera is changing, growing too popular and touristy.

Book 2, Chapter 14 Summary

The narrative skips ahead a year and a half. Dick is now co-proprietor of the clinic with Franz in Zurich. One day, a nightmare awakens him. He reflects on his marriage to Nicole before exchanging a few morning words with his son, Lanier, and heading off to the clinic.

One particular case touches Dick. A troubled woman rests in bandages and great pain on a bed, speaking to Dick in lofty and esoteric vocabulary. Dick tries to talk to her on her elevated level but also finds himself talking down to her because she is his patient. The fact that she is hurting makes Dick feel guilty for speaking to her this way. As she seeks to understand her own suffering, Dick simply tells her: “We must all try to be good” (185).

Book 2, Chapter 15 Summary

When Dick returns to his villa, Nicole is waiting for him with a letter from one of his former patients. In the letter, a young woman claims that Dick made sexual advances on her. In fact, Dick did not, though he did indulge her flirtatiousness with a brief kiss. As Nicole considers the note, Dick dismisses the author as formerly having a mental health condition, to which Nicole replies thoughtfully that she was that way once, too. Dick angrily gathers the family into the car to leave.

At a fair, Nicole, still upset by the letter, runs off into the crowd unexpectedly, with Dick pursuing her. She climbs aboard a Ferris wheel and laughs hysterically as the ride takes her up and down. A small crowd gathers at the spectacle. Dick catches up to her and takes her by the arm. No longer seized with laughter, she tells Dick she knows about his affair with one of his patients. Dick says this is a delusion, but Nicole expresses suspicion that Dick only covers up secrets from her by calling them delusions. They argue for a while more, and then both of them give up the struggle. Nicole asks Dick for help.

On the way back to the clinic, Dick, lost in confusion and turmoil over Nicole’s state, crashes the car into a tree. Nicole laughs about it, believing Dick to have been attempting murder-suicide all along but getting too scared at the last minute to hit the tree head-on. The children go to a nearby inn to ask for help.

The proprietor of the inn arrives. As the two men work on moving the car, Dick commands Nicole to go with the children.

Book 2, Chapter 16 Summary

Dick asks Franz for a leave of absence, during which time he leaves Nicole in his care. Explaining to everyone that he will be attending a psychiatric conference, Dick travels to Germany with no intention of attending any conference sessions. He reflects on wanting to get away and longs for the Mediterranean.

Book 2, Chapters 9-16 Analysis

In addition to regarding himself as superior to Dr. Dohmler and Franz when it comes to providing Nicole with the best treatment possible, Dick also scrutinizes Beth (“Baby”), Nicole’s sister, as yet another instance of neglect toward the particular type of care Nicole needs. These perspectives ignite Dick’s romantic attraction to Nicole, which shows itself here to be more of an expression of Dick’s own ambitions to climb ahead in the field of psychology than genuine love sprouting from compatibility. Dick prefers to be her therapist, and his belief in his own expertise as a psychiatrist keeps him from seeing he is abusing his power.

Even though Dick waves off Baby’s concern that Dick is only pursuing Nicole for her money, the point is made in the narrative that this is a legitimate concern. As a person of considerable wealth, Nicole is a high-end client in Dick’s mind, and while his personal motivations for wanting to “cure” her and love her may not stem from greed, it nevertheless fuels his ambitions as a psychiatrist. This illustrious client boosts Dick’s ego. Baby’s concerns, though misdirected toward the topic of money, are nonetheless well-founded. Dick’s reasons for pursuing Nicole are in fact personal ambition and the desire to get ahead in life, even if not for purely materialistic reasons.

Similar to the way in which Dick’s affair with Rosemary constitutes a last-ditch effort at romance, Franz’s offer of starting up a new clinic represents a final chance for Dick to live out his deepest longings: to be a great psychologist. The offer is too good to resist, and just like with Rosemary, the narrative displays Dick again giving into his cravings. Disregarding Nicole and the awkward position which a return to the Swiss clinical environment would put her in, Dick accepts Franz’s offer and yet again combats the inevitable failure of his high hopes for a meaningful life. His efforts to make a name for himself at this new clinic will fail even worse than his efforts to regain a youthful and romantic idealism through Rosemary.

Allegations of medical malpractice, self-doubt about the true good of his role at the clinic, and another mental health episode from Nicole together add up to an immediate warning sign that things are going poorly for Dick at the new clinic with Franz. Although Dick is trying hard, his attempts at rising above the gloom and malaise of his predicament fail. The profound human suffering of the particular patient described in Book 2, Chapter 14 even causes Dick to question the discipline of psychology as a science at large. He feels unfulfilled, despite having everything he could have wanted. Even his professional dreams now appear illusory.

To add to it all, Dick’s marriage sinks to even worse levels just when things were anticipated to improve. His desire to return to the Riviera harkens back to the first chapters of the novel and to his memory of the idealism Rosemary brought into his life.