49 pages 1 hour read

Gordon Korman


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2018

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 9-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary: “Supersecret, Noah Youkilis”

Even YouTube does not have anything as unexpected as what Noah witnessed at the Mercurys’ house. Noah is unable to stop thinking about Donovan saving the house from a potential explosion. The more he thinks about the “act of great heroism” (60), the more he is frustrated that Donovan is not getting his deserved credit.

At school, Megan delivers an emotional speech thanking the superkid. The superintendent, Dr. Shultz, urges the superkid to reveal himself so that he can be thanked properly. After the assembly, the Daniels approach Noah and Donovan: They’ve guessed that Donovan is the superkid, knowing that Donovan and Noah were in the area of the accident that morning. Noah decides to find a way to help his friend.

Chapter 10 Summary: “Superphony, Donovan Curtis”

Brad knocks at Donovan’s door to wake him up. They argue over Beatrice and Kandy’s barking, and Brad compares Donovan unfavorably with the mysterious hero who “puts others first and himself second” (65).

Donovan reflects that Brad is not alone in his admiration: Everyone in the school halls, on the playgrounds, on television, and in the checkout lines is talking about the superkid. He listens to Brad trying to settle Tina down for a nap and notices that Brad seems stressed and sad.