76 pages 2 hours read

Gordon Korman


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2017

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Chapters 17-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 17 Summary: “Joel Weber”

This chapter is the first one narrated by Joel Weber. He begins by extensively complaining about everything wrong with Melton Conservatory. He hates everything about it, especially the fact that he’s forced to live and breathe music constantly. He hates the musical notes that are made by squeaking gates and his sleeping roommate. Above all, he says, he hates that he has to be at Melton to escape the bullying he experienced at Hiawassee.

Joel is narrating this chapter from home. He is pleased to be back, even though his home piano is out of tune. It bothers him that Shoshanna is so caught up in Chase and talks about him constantly. Joel is tired of hearing about Chase. He says that bullying has changed him, making him fearful about going back to school. He says, “Even when no one is bothering you, you’re still under attack because you’re dreading the next strike” (139).

Joel’s first day back at school is very difficult. He realizes many of the students did not even realize he was gone. He does get some comments about coming back, but most people don’t seem to have noticed his absence. This makes him even angrier because it makes him think that those who are bullied are invisible.