55 pages 1 hour read

Vladimir Nabokov

Pale Fire

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1962

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Lines 367-661

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Lines 367-468 Summary

Kinbote blames Shade’s American accent for certain awkward rhymes in “Pale Fire.” He criticizes Shade’s own criticism of “distinguished poets” and claims that previous versions of the poem were better. Kinbote also condemns a member of the English department named Professor Paul Hurley, who bears a grudge against Kinbote for exiting a concert due to a migraine. After Shade’s death, Hurley claimed that “Pale Fire” had fallen into the hands of an unqualified, “deranged” individual.

In the poem, Kinbote writes, Shade clearly uses simple pseudonyms for Jane Provost and Pete. After Hazel’s death, Jane tried to contact the Shades because she was certain that her cousin, Pete, was innocent. They never replied to her letter. As the night of Hazel’s death is described in the poem, Kinbote criticizes Shade’s clumsy, “labored” language.

Kinbote imagines that as Shade was writing Line 408, Gradus was visiting an art enthusiast named Joseph Lavender to learn King Charles’s location. According to Kinbote, a member of the working class like Gradus could not possibly have convinced Lavender that he was anything other than a spy. However, while being given a tour of the property by a young man, Gradus saw graffiti claiming that Charles had visited the villa. Gradus learned that the king was heading to the French Riviera. Gradus linked this information with a villa belonging to Queen Disa in the region, so he left without meeting Lavender.

Kinbote links Shade’s editorial choices to the idea that Shade knew Kinbote’s secret. When Shade refers to a trip taken in 1933, however, Kinbote accepts that he does not know anything about this vacation (for which he blames Sybil). He imagines they might have visited the villa of Queen Disa, who grew up in the French Riviera and returned there in 1953 after being banished from Zembla. She lives there to this day. She wrote to her husband in 1958 as the revolution began, telling him to stay in her villa. Eventually, he arrived there in disguise.

Kinbote compares Shade’s description of Sybil’s aging beauty with Disa’s refined maturation. Charles and Disa struggled during the early years of their marriage, as he did not reveal to her that he was gay. He could not consummate the marriage or produce an heir. She returned to France in disgrace after their marriage was revealed as a sham. Charles respected Disa but did not love her. When he dreamed, however, he felt deep affection for her. On arriving at her villa, she seemed amused by the sight of him. Rather than stay with her, though, he announced his plans to teach literature in America.

Kinbote told this story to Shade, who asked why Kinbote knew so many details. Once Shade promised to immortalize “the glory of Zembla” in his poem (171), Kinbote said he would tell him an important secret.

Lines 469-578 Summary

Kinbote imagines that Gradus thought about killing Charles as he drove to Geneva, Switzerland. He used coded language to relay his progress back to the Shadows, though his message was misconstrued and he was told to wait in Geneva. Kinbote recalls a conversation with Shade about prejudice and racism. They talked about outdated terms for African Americans, with Shade’s opinion contrasting with that of Kinbote’s African American gardener.

Kinbote writes about the poem’s references to Hazel’s death and the necessity of God in any conception of the afterlife. In Zemblan Christianity, the afterlife is deliberately vague and provides only the “warm haze of pleasurable anticipation” (174). Kinbote discusses various methods of suicide; men should use a gun or knife, he says, while women should use poison or drown. The best method, Kinbote insists, is “falling, falling, falling” (175), though the location must be carefully selected so no one else is hurt.

Shade often mocks people and places (such as the IPH), and Kinbote is reluctant to name them due to legal reasons and matters of taste. Shade, he suggests, is occasionally too flippant when writing about the hope people can derive from religion. When they spoke of sin and death, Kinbote told Shade about visiting confession in the church when he was a child. Shade suggested that certain sins are essential for poetry. He never understood the concept of original sin, however, as he believed that people are born good. Murder and intentionally causing pain are, according to Shade, the only real sins. Kinbote disagreed, accusing Shade of believing more in chance as the determiner of the afterlife rather than the will of God. The idea of a chaotic afterlife appalls Kinbote. He is insistent that the universe was created by God or some kind of consciousness that may as well have this moniker.

Kinbote feels the need to return to an earlier note. His earlier quotations, he admits, were “distorted and tainted” by his wishful thinking (180). He refuses to remove these earlier inventions, however, as he has no time for such “stupidities.”

Lines 579-661 Summary

Kinbote addresses the rumors that Shade was having an extramarital affair with “some other woman” (180). Kinbote insists that he always shot down such gossip. He even tried to invite the supposed other woman to a party with the Shades so that he could put the rumor to bed. On the subject of invitations, he complains about only being invited three times to the Shades’ home for dinner and them only accepting three of his many invitations. One of these was the evening he invited Shade’s supposed mistress. The Shades left early, so Kinbote was forced to talk to the woman alone.

In several draft lines included by Kinbote, oblique references to the name Gradus appear. Kinbote feels obliged to mention these earlier drafts due to his respect for the truth. At the time the lines were composed, Gradus was telling his bosses that he was bored of Geneva, so he was leaving for Nice, France. Though King Charles escaped his execution, Kinbote likes to imagine that were he captured, he would have stared down his executions in a defiant, heroic fashion.

Kinbote describes the sounds in Cedarn outside his cabin. At this time of year, Kinbote writes, there is no sound but the wind. There are no tourists and, importantly, no spies. Kinbote turns his thoughts to the similarities between languages. Again, he criticizes Shade’s “tasteless” references to real people. Some are given pseudonyms, but Professor Blue is not.

In Zemblan philosophy, “madmen” still supposedly contain a “basic particle” of sanity that lives on after their deaths and enters an afterlife free of fools. At a party, Kinbote remembers interrupting a conversation between Shade and Professor Hurley’s wife. Shade believed that a railroad worker with a mental health condition could be a poet, while she did not.

Lines 367-661 Analysis

Kinbote’s hypocrisy is clear in this section. After reading Shade’s description of his daughter’s suicide, he criticizes the poet for being “too labored and long” (157). For a narcissist like Kinbote, the night of Hazel’s death is little more than a distraction from the really important matters (namely, Kinbote himself). Likewise, he criticizes Shade for using a literary device in which he describes the parallel events of Hazel’s suicide and the night he spent at home with his wife. Shade uses the parallel to juxtapose Hazel’s emotional despair with the unknowing, mundane contentment of her unexpecting parents. Throughout his commentary, however, Kinbote employs a similar device, drawing parallels between Shade’s composition of “Pale Fire” and Gradus’s journey from Zembla to New Wye. The long, labored descriptions of Gradus’s progress lack the emotional intensity of Shade’s descriptions of Hazel, yet Kinbote believes they are equally (if not more) valuable because they concern him. Gradus is an assassin sent to kill Kinbote, so Kinbote feels compelled to share the time that he nearly died. This continues building the theme of Writing as Catharsis as both he and Shade process traumatic moments through writing. However, Kinbote hypocritically criticizes Shade for doing what he deliberately (and less skillfully) does himself.

Throughout his commentary, Kinbote repeatedly alludes (seemingly accidentally) to the idea that he is King Charles the Beloved, driven into exile after the Zemblan Revolution. Despite his frequent slips, sometimes even referring to King Charles in the first person while narrating the exiled king’s escapades, Kinbote insists on maintaining the pretense that no one knows his secret. His desire to maintain this pretense speaks to his arrogance: He is convinced that he is too smart for anyone else to uncover his elaborate plot. At the same time, he tries to use this secret to motivate Shade. He offers to reveal the truth after Shade completes the poem, as though this secret—which Shade seems to have guessed—would motivate him to finish a deeply personal poem. This is one of Kinbote’s many delusions of grandeur; he begins his commentary with the shock that he did not inspire Shade to write about Zembla. Kinbote’s barely-kept secret becomes a recurring illustration of his self-importance and delusion. Not only does he believe that he is smart enough to keep this secret, but he also believes that this secret is so valuable that it can compel others to do his bidding.

Occasionally, Kinbote breaks from his commentary to describe Cedarn, the fictional town in which he has taken up residence to hide from his many enemies. According to Kinbote, he is now living in a “ghost town” (186). Through his complaints, he hints at an unrealized parallel between himself and Shade. Throughout the poem, Shade’s preoccupation with the afterlife as well as the deaths of his parents, aunt, and daughter mean that he is living in a metaphorical ghost town. He is haunted by their deaths and the loneliness this has created in his life, to the point where he is desperate for some form of afterlife to exist so he can hope to reunite with those he has lost. This reinforces the theme of Creating Afterlives and Immortality through Literature. The emotional qualities of this time spent in a ghost town are utterly lost on Kinbote, whose self-obsession is so extreme that a ghost could not intrude on his thoughts or cause him to feel pain. Kinbote is immune to haunting because he does not care about anyone enough to feel grieved by their passing—not even Shade.