45 pages 1 hour read

Seraphina Nova Glass

On a Quiet Street

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

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Chapter 26-Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 26 Summary: “Paige”

That evening, Paige meets with Cora and Nicola. Paige is going to wear a ski mask and break into the Kinney house to retrieve the audio recording device she placed in his briefcase. Nicola explains that the briefcase is usually in Lucas’s office upstairs and gives Paige the code to the security system. Just before midnight, Paige sneaks in. She gets the audio recorder, but Lucas sees her when he comes out of the bathroom. He attacks her, but she escapes and goes home. While in the bath, she wonders if Caleb felt the same terror that she just felt in the moments before he died.

Chapter 27 Summary: “Cora”

The next morning, the police call Finn and ask him to come to the police station for an interview. A few hours later, Cora gets a text from Paige telling her to get Nicola and Avery out of the house immediately. They pack quickly and drive off. Paige calls and tells Cora that Finn has been arrested and the police are on their way to search Cora’s house with a warrant. Cora takes Nicola and Avery to Paige’s house to hide out. While there, Paige gives them the audio recording device that she retrieved from Lucas’s bag.