47 pages 1 hour read

Timothy Findley

Not Wanted on the Voyage

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1984

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Symbols & Motifs

Magical Realism

Throughout the novel, the world in which the story takes place is slowly revealed to be more fantastical than real, both altering non-religious mythical creatures and integrating them into the Judeo-Christian story of the flood. For example, unicorns are small, goat-like creatures, and fairies have an inherent duty to kill dragons, which they do by creating seizure-inducing light patterns. Beyond these creatures, the world in question also includes angels, described as 7 feet tall (or taller), with webbed fingers and the ability to shapeshift. The animals are able to communicate with not only each other, but with humans as well, often singing praises to God. Additionally, Mottyl the cat experiences “whispers,” which guide her, appearing much like the voice of intuition, though she does not always follow their directives. References to magic, alchemy, and science are also peppered throughout the novel, resulting in a fantastical world.

Part of this world is revealed through anachronisms, leaving the reader to fill in the gaps of how the world works and adjust that perception whenever a new datapoint appears. Examples of such anachronisms follow:

  • Chinese gunpowder (23)
  • A possible electric fence (28)
  • The singing of songs in Latin (48, 50)
  • Rubber in the carriage wheels (64)
  • “Cages gilded with rococo designs chipped in white plaster” (65)
  • Gin (74)
  • Penny (96)
  • “Cocaine dust” in the land of Nod (102)
  • Use of the word “ain’t” (106)
  • Lucy has reportedly dressed up as the pope (107)
  • blurred text

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