46 pages 1 hour read

Hans Fallada

Little Man, What Now?

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1932

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Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Epilogue: “Life Goes On”

Epilogue, Chapter 1 Summary

Nearly 14 months after being fired from his job, Johannes is struggling. He and his family have been forced to move, though they still owe rent to their former landlord. They are staying in a summer house on the outskirts of Berlin, which belongs to Heilbutt. He is not charging them for rent. Emma is working when she can, while Johannes stays home with Markel. The local men invite Johannes to venture out with them during the night to steal firewood but he refuses. He wakes up early and completes the household chores so that Emma can go out to darn socks, wash clothes, and do whatever else she can to earn a “pittance.” That day Johannes must leave Markel at home and go into the center of Berlin to appear at the labor exchange. Johannes and Markel watch Emma leave for the day.

Epilogue, Chapter 2 Summary

In the small summer house, Johannes completes his chores and entertains Markel. Before he leaves for the labor exchange, he pays a visit to one of Emma’s clients with an outstanding debt. He knocks on the door and asks to be paid, refusing to take no for an answer and ignoring the household’s threats. He gets his six marks and takes Markel home.