56 pages 1 hour read

Banana Yoshimoto


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1988

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Essay Topics


Yuichi calls Mikage and himself “destruction workers” because of their closeness to death. Explain what the concept means in relation to both Mikage’s and Yuichi’s tragedies in their individual lives and as a unit (as friends), citing examples from the novel.


Kitchens are important spaces to Mikage. Explain why she finds kitchens to be important. Describe the kitchens that she encounters in the narrative, and her reactions to each of them. Are these kitchens all the same? Different? Explain.


Yuichi’s and Mikage’s family situations are very similar. Describe the family units of Mikage and Yuichi when they are first introduced and then how these family units change by the narrative’s end.