50 pages 1 hour read

John Cleland

Fanny Hill

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1748

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Letter 1, Parts 3-5

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Letter 1, Part 3 Summary

Charles repositions Fanny to try to penetrate her again, and he succeeds, though it causes Fanny a lot of pain. Fanny endures the pain, which lasts after Charles finishes. They continue to have sex and relax all day, with Charles ordering food to feed her. They eventually fall asleep, and Fanny wakes up before Charles, taking a moment to appreciate his body and kindness. When Charles wakes up, they continue to have sex into the afternoon. Fanny explains that Charles is the son of a wealthy man, but Charles receives his money from his grandmother, who loves Charles and hates Charles’s father. Charles and a lawyer go to Mrs. Brown’s house to settle Fanny’s affairs, but, since Mrs. Brown does not know of Charles’s involvement, the lawyer threatens Mrs. Brown with exposure of her brothel, collecting Fanny’s things and leaving. Charles moves Fanny from their apartment in Chelsea to an apartment on D Street in St. James, where the landlady, Mrs. Jones, once a kept woman herself, welcomes them as a secretly married couple. After 11 months, Fanny is three months pregnant, and Charles has spent exuberant amounts of money meeting the demands of the landlady.

When Charles does not come home for three days, the landlady investigates and finds that Charles’s father arranged for Charles to be sent abroad.