66 pages 2 hours read

Tomi Adeyemi

Children of Virtue and Vengeance

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2019

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 58-81

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 58 Summary: “Zélie”

Three days later, Zélie remains in her room, devastated and blaming herself for Mâzeli’s death. Even as the threat of another attack from the royals hangs over the sanctuary, she cannot bring herself to consider fighting.

She is surprised when Roën comes into her room. He tells her that the elders put together all their money to hire their services. He holds Zélie’s face and convinces her to breathe and calm down. Zélie admits to Roën that she wants to leave the kingdom. She has faced too much loss and caused the deaths of too many people. Roën agrees to help her if it’s what she truly wants.

Chapter 59 Summary: “Amari”

Amari joins the other elders at the council, without Zélie present. They debate what to do about the royal army, with some arguing to hide and others arguing to fight. As arguments break out, Amari considers her father and realizes that war made him as ruthless as he was. She thinks of how she, too, needs to be ruthless and plans to use her powers to kill her mother and brother. As she silences the crowd to tell them her plan, Zélie enters the circle and speaks. She tells them that she has a plan that does not involve fighting.