27 pages 54 minutes read

Kristen Roupenian

Cat Person

Fiction | Short Story | Adult | Published in 2017

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The Possibility of Violence

The story features female proximity to violence. As a woman in the world, and specifically, as a woman around men, Margot is frequently under the threat of violence, both explicitly and implicitly. Much of the story centers around Margot’s thoughts, so there is fantastical uncertainty to this violence. The violence never actually occurs, or rather only occurs in Margot’s imagination, as when Margot enters Robert’s house:

[S]he had the brief wild idea that maybe this was not a room at all but a trap meant to lure her into the false belief that Robert was a normal person, a person like her, when in fact all the other rooms in the house were empty, of full of horrors: corpses or kidnap victims or chains (Paragraph 68).

While this might appear exaggerated or hyperbolic, it is not the first time that Margot realizes she really does not know anything about Robert. Even Robert’s alleged cats, through which Margot develops a relationship and rapport with Robert, are nowhere to be seen, indicating she perhaps does not know him as well as she thinks.

The narrative’s vagueness aims to leave the reader as unsure as Margot is herself. Perhaps it is not the presence of Robert as a strange man that is threatening; rather, it is the fact that Margot is alone with Robert that represents the possibility for violence. The story suggests that women are safer in public and instead suffer greater threats, including domestic abuse, once they enter the private sphere with men. Although the narrative doesn’t depict physical abuse, it suggests that Robert’s statements are verbally abusive, especially his last series of texts. Perhaps Roupenian suggests abuse to call into question what society considers violence: Even though little physical violence occurs within the story, a great deal of rage seems buried in Robert’s language and actions. At any point, this latent danger threatens to break through the surface.

The bestial characterization of Robert conveys his capacity for violence. In her interview with Deborah Treisman, Roupenian states:

In the bar, Margot thinks of Robert as ‘a large, skittish animal, like a horse or a bear,’ that she is taming, coaxing to eat from her hand. But what would happen if she stopped trying to coax and pet and charm him—if she said, bluntly, that she doesn’t want him, that she’s not attracted to him, that she’s changed her mind? (Treisman, Deborah. “Kristen Roupenian on the Self-Deceptions of Dating.” New Yorker, 4 Dec. 2017).

Again, this characterization indicates the relative precarity that Margot faces as she is alone with this strange man. Margot subconsciously realizes that Robert is dangerous, even though she convinces herself he is not.

Female Socialization

In her interview with Deborah Treisman, Roupenian says that her story “speaks to the way that many women, especially young women, move through the world: not making people angry, taking responsibility for other people’s emotions, working extremely hard to keep everyone around them happy” (Treisman).

Margot’s desire to placate Robert is palpable throughout the story. Even though she might appear liberated via her fairly blasé approach to sex, she still very much embodies traditional gender norms. More than anything, she wants to make sure that she doesn’t make Robert feel bad. Robert plays into this: He sulks and then expects Margot to comfort him, as though his feelings are more important than how uncomfortable he makes her. Margot is forced to swallow her thoughts and feelings to account for Robert’s hypersensitivity, which represents the classic fragility of patriarchy. Robert’s quick anger and annoyance when he feels bested by Margot hides how fragile he really is. And Margot, for her part, plays into this.

Margot repeatedly acquiesces to Robert’s desires and puts his feelings first. She clearly does not want to have sex but has been socialized to acquiesce; she goes through with it even though Robert repulses her. Roupenian writes: “But the thought of what it would take to stop what she had set in motion was overwhelming; it would require an amount of tact and gentleness that she felt was impossible to summon” (Paragraph 70). Margot has been taught to treat men gently, possibly due to the threat of violence. Much like a wild animal, a woman must let men down gently if she does not want to be a “victim.” The narrative raises the question as to whether Margot and Robert’s sexual intercourse was truly consensual.

The Question of Stranger Danger

The possibility of violence and female socialization makes modern dating precarious, especially for young women. In an app-driven dating field, both parties are often strangers and don’t have mutual friends. Margot is most terrified when she realizes she knows nothing about Robert: “Before five minutes had gone by, she became wildly uncomfortable, and, as they got on the highway, it occurred to her that he could take her someplace and rape and murder her; she hardly knew anything about him, after all” (Paragraph 20). Margot’s concern over her safety is only associated with her not knowing Robert. It is his strangeness that makes him bestial and therefore dangerous.

This represents a typical aspect of modern dating. In dating someone, there is a back and forth between wanting to get to know someone and judging them, as Margot demonstrates. Like many people who date, Margot is making split-second decisions, not only about what Robert allows her to see but also what she allows herself to see. Robert repeatedly shows who he is by patronizing Margot, but Margot convinces herself that he is either misunderstood, overly sensitive, or merely more adult than she is used to.

Because Robert is a stranger, Margot can project her fantasies onto Robert. However, by the end of the story, Robert is no longer a stranger either to Margot or the reader. In fact, the reader may have had a pretty good idea of who Robert is long before Margot sees. It is possible that Roupenian is calling into question the idea of stranger danger itself. Just as the vast majority of sexual assaults are perpetrated by acquaintances, Robert does the most harm to Margot once he knows her. He purposefully reels her in and then inflicts emotional pain after she is close.