58 pages 1 hour read

Kwame Alexander


Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Pages 173-234

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Pages 173-234 Summary

This section begins with “After Soccer Practice” and ends with the poem “Text from April.” Nick continues feeling ill and goes to bed without dinner in the poem “After Soccer Practice.” At an important soccer game against Coby’s team, Nick faces off with Coby at the coin toss. Nick’s co-captain insults Coby, who plays aggressively during the game for revenge. At halftime, Nick vomits. He continues playing and collapses during a faceoff with Coby in the title poem, “Booked.” 

Nick awakes in the hospital, learning that his ankle is sprained and he has a perforated appendix. He undergoes surgery to remove the appendix. His doctor tells Nick he won’t be able to play in the Dallas Cup; Nick is devastated. In the poem “New Rules,” Nick’s dad makes him read one page of a book to earn five minutes of TV-watching. 

After “Breakfast,” Coby visits, and the two trade apologies. Nick texts Mr. MacDonald to ask for a good book. Nick’s parents also apologize to each other and share a long hug in “Rapprochement*.” In the footnote, Nick wonders, “Are they getting back together?” (213).  

In “Hello, Nicholas,” Ms. Hardwick visits Nick in the hospital to give him the book he requested from Mr.