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Katharine McgeeA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Princess Beatrice Washington is one of the main protagonists in American Royals and the eldest child of the king and queen of America. At the novel’s beginning, Beatrice is 21 and newly graduated from Harvard, and as the oldest child in the family, she is “always thinking about the future” (6). While Samantha and Jefferson are free to while away their lives and act out in public, “the rules [are] especially stringent for Beatrice, because she [is] not only a princess,” but “the first woman who would ever inherit the American throne” (3-4). Beatrice’s grandfather changed the law that originally forbade first-born daughters from inheriting the throne, which means that her rule as queen will be groundbreaking and filled with unprecedented challenges. As the heir, Beatrice is held to a higher standard than her younger brother and sister.
Beatrice has been brought up to behave like a proper lady, and as the future ruler of America, “all the expectation—in the family and, really, in the world—[is] focused like a white-hot spotlight on Beatrice” (4). Beatrice has been taught to conceal her emotions from the public eye, and she has isolated herself because no one understands the immense pressure she is under. From a young age, Beatrice has understood that “her life [doesn’t] belong to her” and “her choices [are] never fully her own” (11). When she thinks of her role as future queen, “the colossal weight of that duty settle[s] over her shoulders like a cloak sewn with stones, pressing her downward” (218). Beatrice also feels the crushing pressure to marry someone “suitable” before her father’s death to soften the transition for the American people. Beatrice, accustomed to shoving down her feelings in the interests of her family and country, begins to feel the stirrings of rebellion as she thinks about her lack of autonomy over her own life.
Beatrice’s secret love affair with her Revere Guard Connor sparks Beatrice’s unexpected rebellion against her role in the Washington monarchy. While the friendship and attraction between Beatrice and Connor have been building up, at the beginning of American Royals, their passion comes to a head when Beatrice is required to choose a future husband from a pre-approved list of noblemen. Although Beatrice is in love with Connor, she struggles to make a decision about their future because Connor is a commoner, and “no commoner [has] ever married into the royal family” (206). For the first time in her life, Beatrice begins to question her willingness to swallow her feelings, do the “proper” thing, and get “trapped in a political marriage” (242) with Teddy Eaton. She tries to put on a show and convince America that she and Teddy are happy together, but by the end of the novel, Beatrice has hit her breaking point, and she tells her father that she doesn’t want to be queen if it means she can’t be with Connor.
Nina Gonzalez is the only main character in American Royals who is a commoner with no royal titles. As the longtime best friend of Princess Samantha, Nina has practically grown up with the Washington twins. Nina loves the Washingtons, but after spending years in their world, she is enjoying her freshman year at King’s College, creating a life for herself outside of Washington Palace. For Nina, “college [is] supposed to be her fresh start, a chance to figure out who she really [is], free from the influence of the royal family” (15-16). Nina has kept her relationship with the Washingtons under wraps, and she looks forward to having a normal life “without the private planes and court galas and protocol” (21). However, Nina learns that separating herself from the royal family is easier said than done.
When Nina and Samantha met as children, Nina’s life became “interwoven into the lives of the royal twins” (18). Although Nina and Sam are best friends, Nina has always felt overshadowed by Sam’s buoyant and somewhat abrasive personality. Because Sam “had enough personality for two people,” Nina always felt like she “needed to back down a bit, to compensate” (254). As a result, Nina loves Sam, but after months of being away from one another, Nina starts to realize that “absolutely nothing about [their] friendship has ever been equal” (255). Nina’s relationship with Jeff is just as complicated: Nina has loved Jeff for years, and when they start dating after the Queen’s Ball, Nina feels herself “falling for Jeff all over again, and far too fast” (157). Nina worries about her status as a commoner compared to Jeff’s title as Prince of America, and although she desperately wishes they could have a quiet, private relationship with just the two of them, she knows deep down that there is an “inherently public nature of their relationship” (345), and she worries about losing herself in the process of dating Jeff and being forced into the spotlight.
Nina’s proximity to the Washington family has caused Nina to feel unworthy, as if she will never measure up to them. When she’s with Samantha, Nina feels like people “look straight through [her] as if she [is] invisible” (66), and during photo calls, she is accustomed to being “shuffled to one side and asked to wait until the interview [is] over” (149). Nina is caught between two worlds, and her situation becomes even more complicated when word gets out about her relationship with the prince. Amid the media backlash and hateful comments about how unworthy Nina is to date the prince, Nina compares herself to Daphne Deighton, who is polished, perfect, and “the girl Jeff would marry,” while Nina is “the girl he’d snuck upstairs at a party, then sent home in a hired car before anyone found out” (74). Daphne warns Nina that her relationship with Jeff will be like “living in a goldfish bowl—constantly on display, and on trial” (356). By the novel’s end, Nina hits her breaking point and starts pulling away from Sam, Jeff, the whole Washington family, and the world she knows she will never fit in.
Samantha Washington is the younger sister of Beatrice and one of the main protagonists in American Royals. Unlike Beatrice, Sam has little concern for what is proper or socially acceptable for a princess, and she is described as “unpredictable and irrepressible and laughing and mischievous” (254), but also “too clever for [her] own good” (42). Whereas Beatrice has been held to a high standard since her birth, Sam and Jeff have the freedom to do whatever they want since they are only the second and third in line for the American throne. Sam is not conventionally beautiful, but she decides that “if she [can’t] be beautiful, she should at the very least be interesting” (34), which has led to a history of wild antics and partying that has attracted the criticism of the American people as well as the rest of the Washington family.
Behind Sam’s big personality and cavalier attitude about propriety, she secretly feels irrelevant and unable to live up to her parents’ expectations, especially when she considers how perfect Beatrice is in comparison. Sam refers to herself as “the extra child, an insurance policy: a living, breathing backup battery” (32) in case anything happens to Beatrice before she has the chance to have children. After years of being forced to the side while Beatrice was prioritized, Sam decided she didn’t want to be like Beatrice: Instead, she tried to become the opposite of Beatrice. Sam feels that the only way to get attention in her family is to misbehave and attract negative attention because she doesn’t think she has anything of value to offer that would compare to Beatrice. Next to Beatrice, Sam feels “utterly pointless, while [Beatrice] [is] literally the point of everything” (299). However, the king tells Sam that she is passionate, relatable, and “a force of nature” and the Washington family’s “secret weapon” (309). Kind and empathetic, Sam sees people for who they really are rather than their ranks or titles.
Sam’s jealousy of Beatrice extends into her relationship with Teddy. When Sam meets Teddy Eaton on the night of the Queen’s Ball, she basks in his attention until she learns that Beatrice intends to date him. Samantha laments that she can never “keep hold of anything once Beatrice [has] decided that it should be hers” (104), and throughout most of the novel, there is more friction than normal between the sisters because of Sam’s feelings for Teddy. However, after their late-night conversation in the kitchen about their father’s illness, Beatrice notices “a new maturity to Samantha” and that she “[isn’t] the same princess who’d laughed her way blithely through high school” (347). By the novel’s end, Sam begins to mature and accept her new and changing role in the Washington family and decides she wants to be a better sister to Beatrice. Sam still has feelings for Teddy, but once she understands Beatrice’s motivations, Sam becomes her sister’s fiercest ally and friend.
Daphne Deighton is the main antagonist in American Royals and the ex-girlfriend of Prince Jefferson. Daphne is described as being “beautiful in that rare, dazzling way that seems to justify all successes and excuse a good many failures” (30), and she uses this beauty to her advantage. Like her mother and father, Daphne is obsessed with the idea of social climbing to a higher rank in the American royal court, and for the last several years of her life, she has been fixated on marrying Prince Jefferson and becoming a princess. Daphne has worked to portray herself to the public as “everything a princess should be: gracious and accomplished and, of course, beautiful” (28). Daphne is charming, ruthless, and devoted to her life’s mission: to win back Prince Jefferson and stop anyone who gets in her way.
Throughout the years, Daphne has concocted several schemes to get Prince Jefferson’s attention: She applies to the school next door to Jefferson’s and orchestrates situations so that the media always portrays her positively. Even after she witnessed Jefferson cheating on her at the graduation party, Daphne “still want[s] to be a princess,” and she “intend[s] to win Jefferson back” (29) no matter the cost. Beneath Daphne’s charming and proper veneer, she is deeply possessive of Jefferson, and she believes that if she can “convince America that she should be their princess, eventually Jefferson [will] end up agreeing with them” (107). Daphne even offers to sleep with Jefferson if they get back together, and when he still refuses, she decides to play “dirty” and go after Nina. When Nina accuses Daphne of intimidating her in the bathroom, Jefferson—who has fallen for Daphne’s two-faced act for the past three years—jumps to Daphne’s defense. Daphne’s manipulation is so complete that the prince has no idea who she really is or what she is capable of. When the king is hospitalized, Daphne is delighted to use the tragedy to her advantage and “work her way back in” (417) to Jeff’s life.
Daphne might have convinced Jeff that she’s an angel, but Daphne’s path to Jefferson has been full of dirty dealings. She fears that Jeff will discover the truth about how she slept with Ethan, tried to cover it up by drugging Himari, and then manipulated the media to turn the court of public opinion against Nina. Even Daphne’s parents have “no idea what Daphne [is] capable of—no idea what she [has] already done, in pursuit of this crown” (31). Daphne can be vicious when she feels threatened, but Ethan still admires her and remarks that “it’s too bad that Jeff doesn’t appreciate the half of what [Daphne is] capable of” (381). Daphne shows the world a “public, painted-on Daphne Deighton” while ignoring the “real seventeen-year-old girl she [keeps] carefully hidden beneath” (340) because her deepest fear isn’t that she will lose the chance to be a princess, but that the real Daphne won’t be good enough for Jefferson or America.
By Katharine Mcgee