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Luis RodriguezA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Chapter Summaries & Analyses
The Lomas arrive en masse to Chava’s house and attack him and several other Sangra leaders. They stab Chava repeatedly before bashing in his head with a tire rim.
One day, at school, one of Luis friends tells him that Mr. Humes, a history teacher, called her a whore. Luis confronts Mr. Humes in his classroom before taking the matter to the school principal, who asks Luis to respect his authority and allow him to handle the situation. Luis decides that’s not to his liking and spreads the story to other Mexican students who slash Mr. Humes tires and beat up white students. The school forms a group known as “Communicators” who are tasked with breaking up fights. Luis is among them. While breaking up a fight, Luis is hit himself and chips a tooth. Soon after, a Chicano teacher is fired and Luis is enraged. He stages a walkout, despite other Chicano teachers advising him that it’s an immature response to something he knows nothing about. Luis is persuaded to call off the walkout and puffs up with pride that he has forced people to listen to him.
Luis’ life begins to take shape. He sends off his poems to a Chicano press in Berkeley, is offered a scholarship to California State University, Los Angeles, and is invited to paint a mural for a local university. Luis graduates from high school but doesn’t attend the ceremony or prom—“I felt it had nothing to do with me” (219). He begins college in the fall of 1972 while working part time and living at home. While speaking at a local high school, he meets a student named Camila, who will be his future wife. He is having sex with many girls, some of whom are very young, vulnerable runaways. One such girl, Terry, tells Luis she is pregnant with his child. He pressures her to get an abortion. She runs off sobbing, and Luis never sees her again. He begins dating Camila.
The gang warfare continues. After a brutal murder of a Sangra, several Lomas members go to prison for murder. One day, Luis sees several cops beating a woman and intervenes. He is taken to the county jail for the first time as an adult. The woman introduces herself on the prison bus as Licha. After he is released on bail, Luis visits her in jail. He loses the mural project and his potential literary opportunity in Berkeley, and his public defender advises him to plead guilty. Luis takes a deal for a few months in the county jail. The day before he leaves for his jail sentence, he visits Licha and, putting Camila out of his mind completely, has sex with her.
Luis stops attending college due to his stint in jail and financial constraints. Among the gangs, “the incidents of violence continued” (235). Chente encourages Luis to broaden his perspective, perhaps even leave L.A. and the gang violence that has marked his adolescence. Luis tries to forge a truce between the gangs. In response, he is shot at by members of his own gang, who promise that next time he interferes in gang warfare, he will be executed. Luis is heartbroken that these men would attack him—“I would have died for them” (238).
Chente helps Luis find a place outside the neighborhood to start a new life. He bids his parents farewell and then pays a visit to Resurrection Cemetery, where many of his fallen friends and enemies are buried. He remembers the many funerals he has attended there and the grief of all those left behind.
As the years pass, the Hills change. PCP takes hold of many gang members and “whole neighborhoods became ghost towns” (240). Huge areas are bulldozed and Asian immigrants move in, constructing malls that cater to their needs but leave the remaining Mexican residents feeling “swept away” (242). Luis and Camila marry in 1974 and have a child, Luis’ eldest son from the memoir’s Introduction.
One night, Luis attends a dance in San Gabriel and is approached by a limping, slurring man. He is shocked to see it is Chava, horribly scarred from the Lomas attack. Chava insists that Luis was part of the attack (though we wasn’t) and that someone has to pay for Chava’s extreme physical and emotional trauma. Luis says that if it would do anything, he’d let Chava kill him, but it won’t—Chava has to let go of all the hate and move on with the life he has. Chava breaks down in tears and Luis holds him as he cries. As Chava limps away, Luis feels “the final tempo of the crazy life” vanish from his soul, “wrested into the black of night” (245).
Luis ends his memoir with a dedication to his son, Ramiro, who “has a right to be angry” (247) He provides historical context regarding Los Angeles’ history of riots within his lifetime, as well as the rise of gang culture in the city and the Los Angeles Police Department heavy handed yet thoroughly ineffectual response to the rise of gang violence. “This is the legacy of the period covered in this book,” he says. “This is what my son, Ramiro, and his generation have inherited” (249).
Luis then turns to the central problem facing his son’s future and the future of many young people in poor communities: “What to do with those whom society cannot accommodate?” (249). Luis proposes that gangs can be defeated only when youth have true educational opportunity, a good chance of employment, and recreation options. “If there was a viable alternative, they would stop” (250). His son is on his way out, having found strength within himself to distance himself from gangs, express himself, and most importantly, “stop running” (252).
In this section, Luis finally cuts ties with the gang, having witnessed true carnage and violence when Chava is brutally attacked. In the aftermath of his exit, the reader discovers that leaving the gang does not solve all of Luis’ problems. He is still burdened by a subpar education. He is still young, impulsive, and downright irresponsible, cheating on his girlfriend, impregnating a young girl and then rejecting her, and arguing with the police. Leaving the gang does not immediately and dramatically alter Luis life—it just means he’s no longer part of the gang.
Luis eventually decides that he cannot truly leave the gang until he leaves the neighborhood that birthed it. After being attacked by his former friends, he moves away. In his absence, the neighborhood changes. PCP ruins many lives. Asian immigrants move in and bring an entirely new culture, with different stores, foods, and set of values. This is especially meaningful given that Luis based his entire adolescent identity around his neighborhood—his gang was named after the neighborhood itself. But just as Luis changes and grows, unable and unwilling to remain static, so too does his neighborhood.
The author makes a strong, conscious choice to end the narrative with Luis’ chance meeting with Chava. It was Chava—or the attack on him—that finally pulled Luis from gang life, and it is fitting that here it is Luis who pulls Chava from his rage and desire for blood. Luis offers up his life to Chava, if it would change anything, if it would heal Chava’s scarred face, his speech impediment, his psychological trauma—but it won’t. Luis has learned that violence solves and heals nothing. The only way to move forward is to live without anger. Luis becomes something of a Christ figure in this scene, offering himself up as a sacrifice before physically comforting his once-enemy. And it is only after this act of true reconciliation and the taking of responsibility for the pain he has caused others that Luis feels the last vestiges of la vida loca—the crazy life—vanish.