65 pages 2 hours read

Anne Brontë

Agnes Grey

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1847

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Chapters 9-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

When Agnes returns from her holiday, Rosalie is eager to tell her about her ball, while Matilda wants to describe her new horse. Rosalie describes her many suitors, including Sir Thomas Ashby, Henry Meltham, Mr. Green, and Mr. Hatfield, the vicar. She informs Agnes that there is a new curate, Mr. Weston. Rosalie supposes that if she has to choose anyone to marry, it would be Sir Thomas. She thinks he’s ugly and wicked, but it would please her to be Lady Ashby. Above all, she wants to enjoy herself for a while. Agnes does not approve of such coquetry.

Chapter 10 Summary

After church on Sunday, Rosalie demands to know what Agnes thinks of Mr. Weston, the curate. Rosalie thinks he is stupid and plodding, but Agnes likes how he performed the readings and prayers with care. She finds the vicar, Mr. Hatfield, obvious in his attentions to the squire’s family, so eager to help Rosalie into the carriage that he nearly shuts Agnes out of it. Agnes continues to enjoy hearing Mr. Weston preach and prefers his sermons to those of Mr. Hatfield, whose are “sunless and severe, representing the Deity as a terrible taskmaster rather than a benevolent father” (65).