72 pages 2 hours read

P. Djèlí Clark

A Master of Djinn

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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The Role of Illusions and Expectations in Society

A Master of Djinn employs a soft magic system—a term describing fantasy stories where the rules for magic are not well defined, leaving the author with plenty of freedom for its use in the story. However, Clark does center the magic heavily around the idea of illusions. Even outside the magic, characters use illusions and expectations to their own gain. When Abigail first appears, she speaks in “broken” Arabic, betting on Fatma’s assumptions that an Englishwomen will speak the language poorly; Abigail’s fluency is later revealed to be advanced. In short, the novel employs illusions and expectations as an allegory for how much of society functions, including corruption and social injustice as well as how citizens survive both those forces.

On the one hand, illusions and manipulating expectations assist the powerful with staying in power, perpetuating unjust systems. Abigail, as the impostor (an illusion himself), creates chaos by presenting a further illusion: pretending to be fomenting social change on behalf of a poor population. In fact, Abigail is using this distraction to take revenge on her father and steal the djinn from Egypt, with the intention of making England “great again.” That Abigail is a white woman masquerading as a Black man also draws parallels with racial and cultural appropriation. She seems to delight in deception, remarking that “[t]he trick is knowing what people want to hear. Maybe it’s an appeal to their fears, their prejudices, their hunger, the natural distrust between empires” (328). The novel offers other examples too. The newspapers, under the pressure of the wealthy al-Mansur family, initially make Lord Worthington’s death sound like “at best an accident” (114), mentioning “[n]othing about a secret brotherhood” (114). Alexander later agrees to talk to the two agents, rather than the police, which “just makes it [his father’s death] look a bit spooky” versus like “criminal mischief” (159).

On the other hand, implementing illusions and playing with expectations are also mechanisms of survival for those who are subjugated under unjust systems. Illusions seep into Fatma’s relationship with Siti, with Siti hiding her djinn side and both women keeping the true nature of their relationship hidden for fear of social repercussions. Both Zagros and Siwa create illusions—either magical or social—in response to the stereotypes and prejudices they face, Zagros for his diverse heritage, and Siwa for his gambling addiction. Fatma, well aware that women are rare in her line of work, dresses in traditionally masculine clothing.

Considered in its entirety, the novel suggests that the assumptions and stereotypes that people hold have almost magical properties. These expectations, when manipulated, create a handhold for others to build illusions, sometimes ones grand enough to influence entire societies. Clark implies that these illusions can be broken if one is aware of the spell; nonetheless, as a historian, Clark also seems to appreciate that illusions are integral to society and that even the best of humanity acts on them sometimes. Even Fatma is manipulated by the angels, believing their “far-fetched” story about “thieves breaking into one of their vaults” (297), and by Abigail, failing to recognize another women’s potential until it’s nearly too late.

Racial Supremacy and Power Structures

The term master in the title A Master of Djinn, carries a great deal of significance, especially for the author, who holds a PhD in the history of the Atlantic slave trade. At its core, the conflict in the novel centers on the crime of subjugating a group of beings under the will of another group that intends to use them for economic and military advantage. In addition to how racism manifests literally in the novel, the attempted subjugation of the djinn metaphorically demonstrates how racial supremacy drives beliefs about what power structures are “right” or “natural.”

The novel demonstrates how racial supremacists justify their actions based on a presumed “natural” hierarchy. The novel opens with Portendorf, whose ledger comes into play after his fiery death, resenting the fact that he must climb stairs. This resentment at having to put forth effort to ascend coincides with his resentment at Egypt’s rise to power versus his own country’s decline. Much as he imagines the stairs mocking him, he views the Egyptians as prideful and unpleasant: “[t]heir people swaggered through the streets—mocking England as ‘that dreary little isle’” (2). The djinn, in turn, are seen as “unnatural creatures.” This opening is bookended with Abigail’s assessment of the state of the world: “[F]ailing to embrace this new age has left Britain faltering, while the darker races rise” (331). Like Portendorf, she sees no need to do the labor of improving her country: “[W]hy create when we can simply take? The heart of Egypt’s power is its djinn. And I will take them from you” (331). Racial supremacists assume that power should be easy to obtain—for them, at least. The implications in the novel are damning: As a result, racial supremacists are destructive, lazy thieves.

The more literal manifestations of racial supremacy In the novel tend to demonstrate the pervasiveness of racial supremacy. Fatma’s friends at the nightclub fled the United States to break free of Jim Crow—the series of laws passed by mostly Southern states in an attempt to skirt federal regulations abolishing racial discrimination. These friends are kind and vivid, represented mainly by Benny, a talented musician; their vivaciousness and creativity provide a contrast to the racial supremacists’ inherent laziness and destructiveness. However, when the wealthy Madame Nabila refers to Siti using a racist slur and forces her to stay outside, Hadia and Fatma later reflect that even Egypt is hardly free of racism: “Magic and djinn hadn’t changed everything” (120). Part of this pervasiveness is due to old power structures; in this world, although the global hegemony is different from reality, old wealth still insulates racial supremacists.

The Power of Faith

Throughout the novel, the fragile mortal characters grapple with forces and powers beyond their control and understanding. One of the challenges for Fatma and in particular for Hadia (as a new agent) is doing their job when it forces them “[t]o understand more than the average person just how strange the world around us has become” (293). The power of faith, in the novel, contrasts with racial supremacists’ assumption that they deserve more power than others—and their willingness to harm and steal to get that power. The faithful in the novel, instead, draw on their faith to protect others, pursue equality, and stand up to those wielding (sometimes substantially) greater power.

Faiths clash in the novel. Siti and Fatma have very different beliefs, which they try not to talk about. While Siti is an idolator, worshipping Hathor, Fatma “believed in God, and that the Prophet—peace be upon him—was His messenger” (61-62). Hadia wears a hijab, and Fatma does not. Yet for the most part, faith brings these characters strength and courage, sometimes manifesting almost literally. When the impostor takes control of Siti’s mind, Fatma snaps her out of it by calling to the goddess. Hadia often utters prayers, and so does Fatma, albeit less vocally. “Faith,” as Clark defines it, has much less to do with a single religion than with an abiding respect for humanity, in all its forms.

Perhaps most poignantly, faith is what allows the characters to cope with being only small parts of a much greater system. Hadia asks Fatma at one point how “to deal with the crushing weight of it […] [k]nowing that we’re just people and there are these vast powers pulling strings we may not even know about” (292). The novel seems concerned with this question more broadly. At the moment, Fatma replies simply to pay attention to the little things: “those little things […] that’s what keeps us grounded” (293). However, the idolators add to this philosophy. Ahmad, when asked whether his transformation is his choice or something being done to him, replies, “When you have faith, it really doesn’t matter” (237). Siti, when informed that Fatma “saw…something…lurking inside” her eyes (244), similarly responds, “I’m a child of the goddess. She does with me as she wishes” (244). While the racial supremacists exhibit an assumed god-like status, the faithful are at peace with humility. This humility, in turn, makes them more likely to be compassionate. Layla, leader of the Forty Leopards, for example, ensures they pray before going to serve the children food.